Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): AL-MAQĀṢID: The International Journal of Maqāṣid Studies and Advanced Islamic Research

					View Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): AL-MAQĀṢID: The International Journal of Maqāṣid Studies and Advanced Islamic Research


This is the second issue of third volume of AL-MAQĀṢID Journal. Articles are authored/co-authored by authors from different affiliations, different countries namely United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Malaysia and the Netherlands. This issue of the ALMAQASID journal features a collection of articles and short communications that address various topics related to Maqāṣid Sharīʿah (the objectives of Islamic law) and contemporary issues. This issue includes the article "Penilaian Maslahah Dan Mafsadah Dalam Polemik Program Vaksinasi Kanak-Kanak Di Malaysia" (Assessment of Benefits and Harms in the Debate on Childhood Vaccination Programs in Malaysia), which evaluates the benefits and potential harms associated with childhood vaccination programs in Malaysia from an Islamic perspective. Another article, "القياس في العبادات وأثره في تحديد الأموال الزكوية المعاصرة" (Analogy in Acts of Worship and Its Impact on Determining Contemporary Zakat Assets), explores how analogical reasoning in Islamic worship affects the determination of modern zakat assets. The article "شركة العنان بين مقاصد الأموال وإدارة الأعمال" (Sharikat al-‘Anan: Between the Objectives of Wealth and Business Management) examines the balance between the objectives of wealth and business management in partnership agreements. "Inovasi Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Sirah Melalui Permainan Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Pintar Cerdas" (Innovative Teaching and Learning of Sirah Through Games Among Gifted Students) discusses innovative methods for teaching Islamic history using games with talented students. Lastly, "التكييف الفقهي للاعتمادات المستندية في المصارف الإسلامية وتطبيقاتها في البنوك الإسلامية بماليزيا" (Jurisdictional Adaptation of Documentary Credits in Islamic Banks and Its Applications in Malaysian Islamic Banks) analyzes the application and adaptation of documentary credits within Islamic banking in Malaysia. Short communications in this issue include "Evolution and Challenges in Halal Supply Chain Management: A Comprehensive Analysis," which provides an overview of the evolution and challenges in managing halal supply chains, and "The Role of Islamic Finance in The Halal Industry: Opportunities and Challenges," which examines the role of Islamic finance in the halal industry, highlighting both opportunities and challenges.

Published: 2022-10-28
