Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): AL-MAQĀṢID: The International Journal of Maqāṣid Studies and Advanced Islamic Research
This is the first issue of fouth volume of AL-MAQĀṢID Journal. Articles are authored/co-authored by authors from different affiliations, different countries including the state of Qatar, Malaysia and Algeria. This issue includes the article "Pembangunan Item Model Insaniah Generasi Muda Berisiko Di Malaysia" (Development of Humanistic Model Items for At-Risk Youth in Malaysia), which focuses on creating a model to support and develop at-risk youth in Malaysia from a humanistic perspective. Another article, "Penilaian Pengurusan Perkahwinan Warga Negara Asing Beragama Islam Dari Perspektif Perundangan Islam" (Assessment of the Management of Marriage for Foreign Muslim Nationals from an Islamic Legal Perspective), evaluates the management of marriages involving foreign Muslim nationals within the framework of Islamic law. The article "Pendedahan Peristiwa Selepas Tarikh Pelaporan Oleh Institusi Baitumal, Zakat Dan Wakaf Di Malaysia" (Disclosure of Events After Reporting Date by Baitumal, Zakat, and Waqf Institutions in Malaysia) addresses the issue of reporting events that occur after the reporting date by Islamic institutions in Malaysia. "محاولة لمواءمة قوانين الطرق والمرور الماليزية وفقًا للمصالح المرسلة: دراسة وصفية" (Attempt to Align Malaysian Road and Traffic Laws According to Maṣāliḥ Mursalah: A Descriptive Study) explores the alignment of Malaysian road and traffic laws with the concept of public interest in Islamic law. Finally, "دور الأمة في تفعيل فروض الكفاية وعلاقته بمقاصد الشريعة: دراسة من منظور الشريعة" (The Role of the Ummah in Activating the Obligatory Duties and Its Relation to Maqāṣid Sharīʿah: A Study from a Sharia Perspective) examines how the Muslim community can fulfill its collective duties and their relation to the objectives of Islamic law.