Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): AL-MAQĀṢID: The International Journal of Maqāṣid Studies and Advanced Islamic Research
This is the first issue of third volume of AL-MAQĀṢID Journal. Articles are authored/co-authored by authors from different affiliations, different countries namely United Arab Emirates, Republic of South Africa and Malaysia. This issue includes a diverse array of articles, a book review, and short communications addressing various contemporary and Islamic perspectives. The issue features the article "الانحراف في باب البدعة والتّبديع في مسائل الخلاف الفقهيّ المعتبر في الواقع المعاصر: دراسة تحليليّة نقديّة" (Deviation in the Realm of Innovation and Excommunication in Jurisprudential Disputes in Contemporary Reality: A Critical Analytical Study), which provides a critical analysis of deviations and excommunication in current jurisprudential disputes. Another article, "التقعيد الفقهي للعرف وأثره على المعاملات المعاصرة" (Jurisprudential Foundation of Custom and Its Impact on Contemporary Transactions), explores the role of custom in jurisprudence and its effects on modern transactions. The article "Penjagaan Spiritual Terhadap Pesakit Menurut Perspektif Maqasid Al-Syari’ah: Suatu Kajian Di Hospital Mesra Ibadah" (Spiritual Care for Patients from the Maqasid Al-Syari’ah Perspective: A Study at the Worship-Friendly Hospital) examines spiritual care for patients through the Maqasid Sharīʿah perspective at a hospital designed for worship. Additionally, the issue includes a book review of "Al-Muḥaqqiqu al-Jinā'iyy fī al-Fiqhi al-Islāmiyy" (المحقق الجنائي في الفقه الإسلامي), which assesses a work on criminal investigations in Islamic jurisprudence. Short communications in this issue cover "Risk Management in The Halal Industry: A Comprehensive Analysis," which provides an in-depth look at risk management practices within the halal industry, "Holistic Living and Healing: An Islamic Perspective on Mind, Body, and Soul Integration," which explores holistic approaches to well-being from an Islamic viewpoint, and "Halal Certification Processes for Beef and Lamb Abattoirs in South Africa: A Comprehensive Overview," which offers an overview of halal certification processes for meat abattoirs in South Africa.